• mcknangal@gmail.com
  • 01887292637,09478519874

Online Registration

Fee Rules

  1. The schedule of tuition fees for the academic year can be obtained from the school office. Parents may pay the fees in a single instalment at the beginning of the academic year or according to the schedule given in the fee book.
  2. Tuition fee is to be paid for twelve months and has to be deposited at the local bank specified by the school. Kindly read the instruction given in the fee book.
  3. The annual fees (comprising term fee, electricity, water, sanitation and hygiene, sports & games), library fee, magazine, functions, examination fee and late fee also will be charged every year.
  4. If fees fall in arrears for more than three Months from the scheduled date, the student's name will be removed from the school rolls and no readmission may be granted. Re-admission will be entirely at the discretion of the management and in case of re-admission, fresh admission fees shall be paid before such re-admission, along with the arrears of fees, including the fine.
  5. Students who have not paid up their dues to the school during any particular term will not be allowed to sit for that terminal examination.
  6. The school reserves its right to revise the fees without prior notice to meet the rise in expenditure due to the increase of the cost of living, as long as the school does not receive grant in aid form the Government.

Students Registration

Online Registration

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